Resident Ambassadors

Resident Ambassadors

The Downtown CDC established the Ambassadors Program in 2013 to facilitate communication, advocacy, collaboration and community building in Downtown Pittsburgh. Comprised of a group of residents who each represent their Downtown building, the program works to ensure that Downtown’s growing residential population has a seat at the table when decisions are made that affect their neighborhood.
In conjunction with the Downtown CDC’s ongoing efforts to increase connectivity between all Downtown residents, the small business community, and local government, the Ambassadors Program is helping to not only shape the landscape of Downtown Pittsburgh, but to establish Downtown as a true neighborhood, as well.

Upcoming events for our Downtown residents:

Thanks to the following establishments for their support of the Downtown Residents program:

Here are some of our Resident Ambassador projects:

Downtown Walking Group

Walk around Downtown Pittsburgh with tour leader Pam Tracy to promote health, wellness, and get a chance to meet some of your Downtown neighbors.
Sign Up

Downtown Book Club

Gather with your neighbors, friends, and other book readers to discuss topics based on the book featured for each book club meeting.

Become a Resident Ambassador

If you are a Downtown resident and you are interested in helping to build a community, considering being a resident ambassador for your Downtown building.
For more information, email us at: [email protected]

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